Make Your Own "Lunchable"

My kids love Lunchables. I think for the very same reason they love Muffin Tin Meals. Cute little compartments for little food. But, I die a slow death every time I purchase one, because lets face it, "processed" doesn't even begin to describe what's in "cheese food product".

So when Muffin Tin Girl wanted a Lunchable for a snack yesterday, using our Easy Lunchbox, I was able to create a DIY version at home. However, for the homemade version to pass off as the real thing, I knew I would have to present the bread, cheese and meat creatively by cutting it into circles and lining up the deli meat on food picks.

Worked wonderfully! And I was able to control the quality and quantity of the food in her homemade Lunchable. Something this mom likes very much.

**Update: If any of you clicked the link above and got an affiliate signup screen-I am soooo sorry! I have updated it to the correct non-affiliate link!

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