Engineering and management of Google Adsense Ads

There is so much trouble with Google Adsense Ads, Some ask:

How do I put ads on the site or in our blog? 
What programming language should I wear? 
May I ask the ad script?

    Yes, many who think that putting ads on a website or blog is a complicated job that requires a high level of programming knowledge. In fact, no! Anyone can do it including you all.

    After learning all about Google Adsense ads, you are expected to:
    1. Understanding the Google Adsense products
    2. Understanding the Google Adsense ad impressions configuration
    3. Understanding How to promote Google Adsense Ads
    4. Understanding How Google Adsense ads placement
    5. Understand requirements provided by Google Adsense
    6. Knowing Things to avoid in business Adsense
    Maybe it was just exposure from me about the Engineering and Management of Adsense ads.

    Google Page Rank Update Schedule 2012-2013

    Good afternoon all. Blogs instinct will allow a post dealing with a Page Rank of the latest schedule. With the schedule of this page rank we can predict or deliver the most powerful moment for our blog to get a high page rank.

    With this we will explain a little about Page rank themselves. Page rank will not work on a blog that is copy and paste because Mr. Google will track blog articles are really into Google criteria. Because Google do not want in fooling by the bloggers, therefore from now on let's make a blog article Google it meets the criteria in order to get a high page rank. As an example: Blogger Sitemap Generator New Version
    Blogger Sitemap Generator New Version

    Here's Google Page Rank Update Schedule:
    • Update 1 - January 30 to February 2
    • Update 2 - June 30 to July 2
    • Update 3 - 30 September to 2 October
    • Update 4 - 31 December to 3 January 2013

    Software Box or Button Makers Spoiler Blog

    Sometimes friends of bloggers have trouble when it would make a box or button on the post spoilers because the length and complexity of JavaScript code to make the spoiler box.

    But now there's a very simple, easy and instant to make a spoiler box without having to bother fiddling with the code JavaScript spoiler. Now you just need to use the freeware "Blog Spoiler". With size 170 Kb Portable Software.

    You can make a spoiler box easily and can simply copy-paste it. If you are interested in this software is worth to try it please.

    Download Spoiler :

    The applicability of the way:
    • Run the software Spoiler Blog
    • In the box on the Generate button!, Fill in the title spoiler / title for the spoiler.
    • In the larger box, the contents can mate with the contents of the spoiler box, such as messages, pictures or vide.
    • Click the Generate button! to begin the process of making a script spoiler box.
    • Copy the scripts contained in the larger column earlier and paste it in your blog post.

    How To Install Script Code When In Copy Paste

    Good night all. We will make a posting articles on the subject how to post the article when in copy and paste any link sources automatically. With this we will give you tips and tricks. But blogger friends are still not aware of any behavior that does not want to us all, until now still do a lot of copy and paste articles without giving the source link that writing the original article.

    Let us now together awaken the urge to do copy paste of the article to others. Let us work, write it yourself and use your common sense. All humans have the ability. If you are still committing a copy paste of the article to others. So when the Smart People.

    Let us go in to a discussion on How to Install Script Code When In Copy Paste:

    Step - Step is:

    1. Blogger Login With Your Google Account
    2. If you have the dashboard go to Design » Edit HTML
    3. Insert the following script below <head> code:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    function addLink() {
    var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
    var selection;
    selection = window.getSelection();
    var pagelink = "<br/><br/> Read more at: <a href='"+document.location.href+"'>"+document.location.href+"</a><br/>Copyright Under Common Share Alike Atribution"; // change this if you want
    var copytext = selection + pagelink;
    var newdiv = document.createElement('div');'absolute';'-99999px';
    newdiv.innerHTML = copytext;
    window.setTimeout(function() {
    }document.oncopy = addLink;

    4. Do not forget to change the URL the script with your blog url.
    5. After that save the template.
    6. Completed.

    How To Make a Box Author Under The Posts

    Author box or can also tell the admin mailbox identification is usually used as an article writer on a blog, Author Box you can fill with a thank-you to the Visitors who have visited and read articles on your blog.

    If you want to apply these tips please follow the steps below:

    1. Login to Blogger
    2. Go to Menu Design - and select Edit HTML
    3. Check the "Expand Widget Templates"
    4. Paste the code below the above code ]]></b:skin>

    border:1px solid #C0C0C0;
    box-shadow:0 1px 3px #000;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 3px #000;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 3px #000;
    margin:30px 0 10px 0;
    font:normal 12px Arial, Sans-Serif;
    .admin-author .kontainer{padding:5px;}
    .admin-author h1{
    border-bottom:1px solid #C0C0C0;
    text-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    font:bold 12px Arial,Sans-Serif;
    padding:5px 10px;
    margin:0 0 0 0;
    .admin-author h1 a{color:#FEEA83;}
    .admin-author img{
    margin:0 10px 0 0;
    border:0px solid #E6E6FA;

    5. Still in the edit HTML, now paste the following code above the code <div class='post-footer'>

    <!-- Box Admin -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div class='admin-author'>
    <h1>Popularized by : <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><></a> - SEO Friendly</h1>
    <div class='kontainer'>
    <img height='80' src='' width='75'/>
    You are reading the article instinct blogs - SEO Friendly entitled <b><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a></b>, We are sorry if you think there is a very important artike, do not forget to subscribe by entering your email in column Get Updates Via Email. If there is a question which if you think do not forget to leave a comment below. Without any spread of SPAM.. <p><span style='float:right;font:italic 10px Arial, Sans-Serif;'><a href='' target='_blank'>:: Thank you for visiting ! ::</a></span></p>
    <div style='clear:both;'/>
    <!-- Box Admin -->

    Important Note: Do not forget to change the URL of our admin Photo bold and red
    6. If it is completed in the edit template please save your changes now, and see the results.

    How to Create a New Blogger Sitemap Generator

    - Visit the site at the address
    - Enter your blog url. Do not forget to add the slash behind.

    - Click Create Sitemap
    - Write down the address sitemap has been created.

    Submit sitemap address is the same way as you add the blogger sitemap to feed as the default when you enter into Websmaster Submit your Blog Tools.

    Blogger Sitemap Generator New Version

    The XML Sitemap file is like a directory of all web pages that exist on your website or blog. Search engines like Google and Bing can use these sitemap files to discover pages on your site that the search bots may have otherwise missed during regular crawling.

    The Problem with Blogger Sitemap Files

    An complete sitemap file should mention all pages of a site but that’s not the case if your blog is hosted on Blogger.

    The default XML sitemap file of any Blogger blog will have only the 26 most recent blog posts – see example. That’s a limitation because some of your older blog pages, that are missing in the default XML sitemap file, may never get indexed in search engines. There’s however a simple solution to fix this problem.
    Generate a Complete Sitemap for your Blogger Blog

    This section is valid for both regular Blogger blogs (that use a address) and also the self-hosted Blogger blogs that use a custom domain (like

    Here’s what you need to do to expose your blog’s complete site structure to search engines with the help of an XML sitemap.

    Open the Sitemap Generator and type the full address of your blogspot blog (or your self-hosted Blogger blog).
    Click the Create Sitemap button and this tool will instantly generate the necessary text for your sitemap. Copy the entire generated text to your clipboard (see screenshot below).
    Next go to your Blogger dashboard and under Settings –> Search Preferences, the enable Custom robots.txt option (available in the Crawling and Indexing section). Paste the clipboard text here and save your changes.

    And we are done. Search engines will automatically discover your XML sitemap files via the robots.txt file and you don’t have to ping them manually.

    For How to Use New Blogger Version Sitemap Generator. Have you Click Here

    Source :

    How To Change The Navigation Buttons With Images

    In this tutorial I will give a very simple tips, the How To Change Navigation Buttons With Pictures. Navigation button is located below the Post. When you see the next post navigation buttons that we will modify the image.

    Let's look at this tutorial.

    Step 1
    Log into your blogger account
    Step 2
    Click the Design or Design
    Step 3
    Press the Edit HTML, do not forget to tick Expand Widgets Template
    Step 4
    Looking <data:olderPageTitle/> code after you find the code change with the code below

    <img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>

    Step 5
    Looking <data:newerPageTitle/> code after you find the code change with the code below

    <img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>

    Step 6
    Looking <data:homeMsg/> code after you find the code change with the code below

    <img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>

    Step 7
    Save your template you just edit and view changes to your navigation buttons.

    How to Make Breadcrumbs Menu

    Breadcrumbs are a part of the navigation menu that is used in the user interface. That lets visitors know where the location of the document in the blog. Breadcrumbs are also the choice of SEO master, once said the master-web-blog mater in this way is preferably the same as search engines, especially Mr.Google.

    If you want to make Breadcrumbs are the steps you have to do is follow the tutorial below:

    Step 1

    Finding the code ]]></b:skin> after you find the code please copy and paste the code below. Position the code is right on it.

    .breadcrumbs {padding: 5px 5px 5px 0px; margin: 0px 0px 15px 0px; font-size:95%; line-height:1.4em; border-bottom:3px double #e6e4e3;}

    Step 2
    Still in search of the next code. Your search for code <b:include data='top' name='status-message'/> Sometimes this code there are two, if there are two you please also put code like this, <b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/> the shape and position will be like the example below :

    <b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>
    <b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>

    Up here first tips and tricks on Breadcrumbs, hopefully these tips useful for us all.

    How To create a Horizontal Menu at Blog

    This article I will discuss about the blog menu, blog menu itself is a variety of models and a lot of blogger friends who have given tips on this, perhaps someone who knows that such a menu requires instinct blogs, blog own menu You see a lot and there are various models that use CSS, JQuery and JavaScript.

    Let's look at tips this time:

    Step 1
    Login to your Blogger account.

    Step 2
    Select Layout -> Edit HTML -> check "Expand Widget Templates".

    Before performing the edit template, you should download the template of your own by pressing the download button at the top corners. Because Genesis to avoid unwanted by us.

    Step 3
    Find the code code ]]></ b: skin> and Copy-Paste the following code in the code above ]]></ b: skin>.

    /* navbar
    ================== */

    #bg_nav {
    background: #ffffff;
    width: 850px;
    height: 29px;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana;
    color: #000000;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 0px auto 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    border-top: 1px solid #000000;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
    overflow: hidden;
    #bg_nav a, #bg_nav a:visited {
    color: #000000;
    font-size: 11px;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px;

    #bg_nav a:hover {
    color: #000000;
    text-decoration: underline;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px;

    #navleft {
    width: 500px;
    float: left;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    #navright {
    width: 220px;
    font-size: 11px;
    float: right;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 3px 5px 0px 0px;
    #navright a img {
    border: none;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 3px 5px 0px 0px;

    #nav {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    list-style: none;
    #nav ul {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    list-style: none;

    #nav a, #nav a:visited {
    background: #ffffff;
    color: #000000;
    display: block;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 8px 15px 8px 15px;
    border-left: 1px solid #ffffff;
    #nav a:hover {
    background: #c06000;
    color: #000000;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 8px 15px 8px 15px;
    text-decoration: none;

    #nav li {
    float: left;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    #nav li li {
    float: left;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    width: 150px;
    #nav li li a, #nav li li a:link, #nav li li a:visited {
    background: #ffffff;
    width: 160px;
    float: none;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 7px 30px 7px 10px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
    border-left: 1px solid #ffffff;
    border-right: 1px solid #ffffff;
    #nav li li a:hover, #nav li li a:active {
    background: #c06000;
    padding: 7px 30px 7px 10px;

    #nav li ul {
    position: absolute;
    width: 10em;
    left: -999em;

    #nav li:hover ul {
    left: auto;
    display: block;
    #nav li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul {
    left: auto;

    Step 4
    Then look for the code as shown below

    <div id='header-wrapper'>
    <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1'
    <b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test
    (Header)' type='Header'/>

    ... and so on ...


    - Once you find the code that we mean.
    - Next enter the following code just below the code </div>

    <div id='bg_nav'>
    <div id='navleft'>
    <div id='nav'>
    <li><a href='http://your blog'>home</a></li>
    <li><a href='http://your blog address'>Add Link</a></li>
    <li><a href='http://your blog address'>Add Link</a></li>
    <li><a href='http://your blog address'>Add Link</a></li>
    <li><a href='http://your blog address'>Add Link</a></li>

    <div id='navright'>

    <form action='http://your blog' id='searchform' method='get' name='searchform'> <input id='s' name='q' type='text' value=''/> <input id='searchsubmit' type='submit' value='Cari'/>
    </div><!-- bg_nav --->

    And the Last Save Your Template
    Our first article may be useful for us all

    Complete Driver For Acer Laptop

    Acer Driver Windows Xp, Windows 7 and Vista complete - In re-install or upgrade Windows operating system be it Windows XP, Windows 7 or windows vista then the thing to watch is whether we already have a backup driver of laptop / net-book. Why?

    A. Because most of the windows XP driver can not be used for windows 7 drivers, although the same hardware. Therefore very important for us to download the driver matches the type of laptop / notebook or net book, and we adjusted the windows operating system that we use.

    B. Tips on how to set this time will not share the download link but acer driver complete, how do we download driver acer official website so that lessons can be used as guidance when faced with the problem or reinstall on a laptop.

    Tips on How to Download Drivers Acer on the official website

    1. Know which type of laptop you use (exemplified here looking for driver acer aspire 4520 notebook)
    2. Find the driver according to the type of laptop / netbook that is used on the official website of acer
    3. In the Select Product Family selection box select Notebook.

    4. Then select Product Line your laptop, select the Aspire.

    5. Select a Product Model of your laptop. Click the Aspire 4520,

    6. Click the Windows operating system and the bit you use
    7. When you are done then we can download the driver through the link provided (marked with arrow down) by a support center acer.

    So the trick this time for the start of our posts, may be useful for us all.

    About The Author Instinct Blogs

    My name is "El Khoir" my daily job as craftsman design is in a rural, eastern Java. In addition, I also worked as a recipient of services and the creation of making my blog pretty much had enough and proven.

    Blogging is one of my hobby and side job because I can pour your thoughts and writing the story of my everyday life, experience, how modifications blog, criticism, suggestions, and discourse as well as to make me communicate with Blogger and all readers in general widely and without limit. Blogging however, was to write and blogging is forever making the paper applied to the virtual world via a free domain sites that blogger.

    I first tried to create a weblog with Wordpress platform, but later on it was finally my turn to get bored and give up my love for Blogger. I really like tinkering with HTML, XML, CSS, and Javascript, but rather "hurt" by PHP.

    Not A Secret Again ..! is one of my personal blog that was founded in December 2011 to pour the blog and learn how to deliver a wide range of information and news is one of the most complete and Tutorial Blog Up To Date, especially in the Mastering Blog, Blog Writing, Blog Design, Widget, and SEO blog as well as a trial to prove that the second level domain (subdomain) can achieve high SEO and can compete with others. Some other blogs talking about internet business, all kinds of information and the latest news, secret blog, technologist complete. Etc..

    Please do not hesitate to contact me, either for personal, business professionals, making personal and business blogs, ads, etc. You are welcome:

    Admin Insting Blogs

    Gertie the Dinosaur

    Mark Evanier, whose "News From ME" blog is one of my daily reads, posted this 12-minute silent-era film a couple of days ago. It's Winsor McCay's "Gertie the Dinosaur" circa 1914, and this movie is an interesting artifact. McCay originally showed the short cartoon within this movie as part of a live vaudeville show, during which he stood on stage and "commanded" the dinosaur on screen to do tricks. However, McCay couldn't be everywhere at once, and this film was made to recreate that stage experience for theater audiences around the world.

    [NOTE: I originally embedded the Gertie movie here, but something about its HTML coding played havoc with my Blogger template in some browsers. I tried to work around the problem but couldn't solve it, so the best I can do is point you to it at the Google Video site here. It's worth the effort.]

    Title cards take the place of words McCay would've said in person. At one point, Gertie catches a pumpkin; on stage, McCay would've tossed it to her himself (although I always heard it was an apple). At another point, an animated McCay comes on screen to take a ride on Gertie; on stage, McCay would've walked behind the screen so it appeared he became part of the movie. The framing story of a group of cartoonists finding a museum and wagering on McCay's ability to "make a dinosaurus live" is interesting only for glimpses of McCay at work and cartoonist George McManus. Also for the fact that 1914 is probably the last time a cartoonist dressed up to go to work.

    Though not the first animated cartoon, Gertie is an animation pioneer, appearing years before Mickey Mouse's "Steamboat Willie." She was evidently a popular sensation, the first real animated character in an extended story, and years ahead of her time. Compared to her rubber-limbed, stick-figure contemporaries, Gertie had volume, mass, personality and life. I particularly love how she breathes and flicks her tail. Watch Gertie's tail as she drinks the lake dry: that's superior animation in any era.

    I've written before of my enormous admiration and respect for McCay's work, particularly his classic "Little Nemo in Slumberland" newspaper strip, and the fact that the first (and only) self-indulgent thing I bought with my advance for Mom's Cancer was one of the hand-drawn animation cels that comprised the film above. My cel appears at about the 8:41 mark, as Gertie licks her lips after eating a tree trunk. In fact I think it appears twice, as McCay--no dummy--has Gertie lick her lips twice and re-uses the same drawings for each motion. Here's mine:

    This drawing is ink on rice paper, about 6 x 8 inches (15 x 20 cm). Animation was at a very early stage; artists hadn't yet figured out the trick of drawing the characters on transparent plastic so they didn't have to redraw the entire background for each frame. For Gertie, McCay and an assistant redrew every mountain, rock, and ripple in the water thousands of times (the movie says 10,000 cels, but I believe that number is disputed. As I indicated, McCay very sensibly used many drawings more than once, as when Gertie sways in time to the music.) Some 300 to 400 of the cels have survived the nearly 100 years since they were drawn. I'm very happy and grateful to be the temporary steward of one of them.

    Dinosaurs Live! in EXHIBITION

    Soooooo finally got the time to share with you guys about some other thing I got to see in Singapore during my recent trip...I went to see the DINOSAURS LIVE! EXHIBITION in Science Centre...yayyyy! :)

    It's a highly interactive and educational dinosaur exhibition with soooo many awesome features. Here you get to see life-sized dinosaurs which actually move and make sounds hehehe. Luckily they don't bite. Or tickle. But seriously, the animatronic dinosaurs actually show intricate movements of their bodies, tails, eyes, stomachs, fingers and errr...even tongues. Creepy yet again awesome.

    The biggest dinosaurs on display were Diplodocus, Omeisaurus, T-rex and Deinosuchus. From this exhibition, I was, for the first time, introduced to a female dinosaur, Maiasaura, a.k.a. the "good mother" dinosaur. So if us good girls were dinosaurs, we'd be Maiasauras! :D

    Other activities available were the Dino Drawing, Dig Pit and Dino Ride. I seriously wish I was allowed to ride the Dino Ride. Too bad it was only for kids...;p And oooh, they also had this baby dinosaur robot that actually moves very smoothly like a real creature. Like a pet! The best of all...the Dinosaurs Live! iPad app!! Check out my video below to see what it's like..:)



    New Interactive Dinosaurus ExploreUs Book

    Here's an informal announcement from Darren Lutz of Believe Animation about the latest with Dinosaurus Explore Us. I worked on the original television bible and, if I remember right, pilot episode script. With money tight for television pilots Believe has moved to introduce Dinos in new interactive spaces, which is pretty great. I haven't seen it but it sounds like a nice integration of print and interactive media.

    Exciting news from the work front. We just finished a book for one of my animated children's shows called DinosaurUs ExploreUs and it is being released this friday. yeh! It's called Rocks In My Socks and it was authored by my sister and I. It's an adorable story about the process of acceptance. What makes it really stand out from the pack though, is that it has Augmented Reality (old name; virtual reality) games and activities in it. You need an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch 4th gen. to use the AR. Its like nothing you have ever seen before. It will make an AWESOME christmas present for the lil' ones :-) It will be available on Amazon and the Dino website this Friday. The FREE App is in review by Apple now and should be ready be weeks end also.

    Sweet OREO Memories

    Even though we celebrate kids learning to eat healthy foods on this blog, every now and again, it's okay to savor a sweet treat. An OREO cookie crumbled over mint chip ice cream is one of my most favorite sweet treats.

    Growing up in my house, you would often find them in a small cookie jar on the counter, frozen in the freezer or crushed over mint chip ice cream.

    Recently I asked a friend how she grew up eating OREO cookies. She said she removes one side, licks off the yummy center and then dunks the two cookie ends in milk. My mom used to make this special OREO cookie crumble dessert when I was younger. 

    It's simply OREO Cookies crumbled, layered with softened mint chip ice cream and chocolate sauce and topped with whipped cream and more OREO crumbles. She put them in single serving plastic tumbler cups and refroze them until it was time for dessert. 

    That dessert and crumbled OREO cookies will always remind me of my mom and my childhood home...

    *Did you know that OREO is celebrating its 100th Birthday? Seriously! 100 years old? Wow. OREO is encouraging all of us to take a moment to slow down, and celebrate the kid inside. Celebrate with us for a chance to win $200! Simply follow these two steps to enter:

        1. Add your photo or video to the OREO Moments Gallery (I loved browsing the gallery too!)

        2. Come back & reply below describing your photo or video, and tell us about your earliest OREO memory

    This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Oreo. The opinions and text are all mine. Official Sweepstakes Rules.

    Crispy Tofu Sticks Recipe with Homemade BBQ Sauce

    Please welcome Stephanie of The Recipe Renovator, who graciously agreed to guest post for me today. I can't wait to try her recipe for these yummy kid-friendly crispy tofu sticks, a healthier alternative to chicken nuggets. I asked her to guest post because I am a huge fan of her blog and I am inspired to think outside the box when it comes to feeding my kids. This recipe might take a bit of fore thought and prep, but in the end I think you might be surprised by how your kids might like it. This is a great recipe for any family who eats vegan, or wants to try something different. 
    I was soexcited when Michelle asked me to write a guest post for Muffin Tin Mom, whichI think is about the cutest blog ever. I don't have kids, but I used to work ata children's museum and taught cholesterol education to kids, so I thought backto successful recipes that are kid-friendly.

    Thisrecipe, in my mind, is a "Sunday night" recipe. I grew up in atraditional Lutheran home, where we always had Sunday dinner after church. Thatmeal involved some kind of roast, a starch, side vegetable, and dessert.Everyone was expected, required actually, to attend and sit still for theentire meal.

    Sundaynights were different. They were the only time we had unusual food, fun food,and frankly, unbalanced meals. Meals like Welsh rarebit (tomato soup with Velveetacheese melted into it, poured over toast), Velveeta-stuffed hot dogs wrapped increscent roll dough, and fish sticks. Oh, how I loved fish sticks! Sometimes mymom would even buy these little frozen crab cakes, which were absolutely thebest treat. Sunday night was toaster oven night, and we could eat when wewanted. These crispy tofu sticks remind me of those fun Sunday night dinners,but are far healthier. And as shown, a much more balanced meal than one of mySunday night memories.

    I had made tofu "hot wings" for the Super Bowl and they were a big hit. Iadapted the basic technique, mellowing out the spices on the tofu sticks andcreating a less spicy version of my home-made barbecue sauce for dipping.

    You couldmake these in place of fish sticks or chicken nuggets. Tofu is much lower infat than fish sticks or nuggets (and has no saturated fat), there are nofillers or additives, and these are baked, not fried. You can feel great aboutfeeding these to your family. If you have thought about trying Meatless Monday(one day a week without meat), you could serve these for dinner.

    The saucecomes together easily and can be made ahead and stored in the fridge for up toa month. I've explained the basic tecnique below, and suggest quickeralternatives in the notes at bottom. I hope you enjoy these! If your kids likeranch dressing, you can try my home-made recipe here.

    Thanks tomy recipe testers Erik, Don, Ruby, Austin, and Kai, who gave these the thumbsup. They are also husband tested and approved! All five kids loved the tofusticks. Half of the kids liked the barbecue sauce, and half liked the ranchdressing.

    Crispytofu sticks with mild barbecue sauce
    Makes 16sticks and about 1-1/2 cups of sauce

    Crispytofu sticks
    • 16 oz.super-firm tofu
    • 1/2 C. home-madebarbecue sauce (recipe follows)
    • 1/4 C.garbanzo bean flour or almond meal
    • 1 T.nutritional yeast flakes
    • 1/2 t.smoked salt
    • pinch ofwhite pepper, optional
    • 1/8 t.garlic powder
    • 1/8 t.onion powder

    Press thetofu for at least 30 minutes (overnight if possible) using weights or a TofuXpress. If using weights, wrap the tofu in a clean kitchen towel and placebetween two cutting boards. Put a heavy frying pan or pile of cookbooks on top.Pressing the tofu removes more water from it, giving it a meatier texture andallowing it to absorb more flavor.

    Cut thetofu into 16 sticks, using the short side as your length, and making the piecesas even as possible.

    Prick thepieces all over with a fork to help the tofu absorb the marinade. (Kids couldhelp with this!)

    Put someof the barbecue sauce in the bottom of your marinating dish (something with atight-fitting lid), add the tofu sticks, then pour the rest of the sauce over.Cover, shake well, and marinate in the refrigerator, overnight if possible.

    Preheatthe oven to 350. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

    Mix thedry ingredients together in a shallow bowl, stirring with a fork. (Kids can dothis step too!) Take each piece of tofu and wipe off extra sauce with yourfingers. Roll each piece of tofu in the breading, making sure it sticks to eachside evenly and isn't too thick.

     It should be a nice even coating. Place on theprepared cookie sheet. Spray with cooking spray, and flip over, making sure allthe breading is thoroughly coated with spray. (If it's too thick then you needto add more spray and therefore more oil.)

    Bake for15 minutes, then flip all the pieces over. Lightly spray any dry patches withmore cooking spray. Bake another 18-20 minutes, until the sticks are crispy andgolden brown. Serve with barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, or ketchup.

    Kid-friendlyBarbecue Sauce
    Makesabout 1-1/2 cups

    • 1/4 smallred onion, roughly chopped
    • 1 T. oliveoil
    • 1 T. applecider vinegar
    • 1 T. realmaple syrup
    • 2 T.Bragg's liquid aminos, wheat-free tamari, or low-sodium soy sauce
    • 1 C.tomato sauce (made from just tomatoes, no salt added)

    Saute theonion in the oil over medium heat until golden, about 10 minutes. Add theremaining ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes. Puree in a blender untilsmooth.

    Some important tips:

    There are three specialty ingredients you will need to buy: smoked salt,nutritional yeast, and garbanzo bean (chickpea) flour. If your family can haveregular wheat flour, you can use that instead of the bean flour. The bean flourdoes add a nice heartiness and thickness to the coating, and makes thesegluten-free. The nutritional yeast can be found in the bulk foods department athealth food stores so you don't have buy a whole package. You can use regularsalt, but the smoked salt adds some meaty flavor and I love using it in soups andstews as well.

    If yourkids can have nuts, you can pulse almonds into meal in the blender and use thatinstead of the garbanzo bean flour. This makes the coating even crispier andheartier.

    If theseare a hit, you can mix up the dry coating in bulk and store it in an airtightcontainer, pulling out what you need. (If it includes ground nuts, store it inthe fridge.) You can also use this same method to coat firm fish like mahi-mahior tuna, chicken tenders, or pork strips.

    You can use store-bought barbecue sauce orketchup thinned with water to marinate the tofu. Note that both do have a lotof sugar (high-fructose corn syrup) in them.

    **Stephanie Weaver blogs at The Recipe Renovator She has a Master’s degree in Public Health in nutrition education and has been cooking delicious, healthy food for friends and family for more than three decades. She is also a recipe contributor to Meatless Monday,Earth Eats, and Bob’s Red MillGojee, andBlogHer Food

    Easter Memories and Fun Easter Baskets From Red Envelope

    Every family has different Easter traditions. I have a very vivid Easter memory of when I was a child, my dad made a jellybean trail from my bedroom door down the hallway to an Easter basket filled with chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, and treats. My parents were going through a divorce at the time and I remember that small act of “I think your special and I love you” being really meaningful.

    fun easter basket ideas red envelope

    The basket looked very similar to this fun Easter Basket from
    I am so grateful that my children are blessed to have their grandparent’s presence in their life and we are able to celebrate Easter together. Easter baskets are a sweet reminder of that whether you live close or far apart from loved ones.

    My husband tells me that it was tradition in his family that every child get a chocolate bunny and that chocolate bunnies are best eaten after they have been chilled in the fridge. His mom still gives out chocolate bunnies.

    If you are of the Christian faith, then you might also call Easter Sunday “Resurrection Sunday” as we do. It was and still is a tradition to greet someone on Easter with “He Is Risen”, and they respond with “He Is Risen Indeed”.

    Recently, I was given the opportunity  to choose from some the fun and unique Easter baskets from (a partner site of Red Envelope). I have written about Red Envelope before, and their partner’s Shari’s Berries take great pride in creating some of those same lifetime memories and traditions that I mentioned above. Whether it’s offering up some yummy chocolate covered Strawberries, creating a classic Easter basket or offering a healthier spin with some delicious fruit, Shari’s Berries is dedicated to helping it’s customers find the perfect gift.

    If you can believe it, I offered my kids a choice as to which one they wanted and they chose the fruit! Not joking. The fruit. I wasn’t going to complain.

    march 2012 021

    The basket came wrapped in a gorgeous basket. Had I sent this as I gift, the receiver would have opened a card wrapped in vellum.
    march 18 2012 015

    The kids chose the fruit basket with the cheese and crackers. The kids couldn’t WAIT to dig in.The cheese was delicious and sweet.
    march 18 2012 037

    We had a little European style mini picnic with our fruit, cheese and crackers.

    march 18 2012 042

    *** I was provided with a basket from to share with you about their fun and unique Easter baskets. The content is original and all mine. The fruit was delicious.

    Muffin Tin Meals FAQ

    This photo is property of

    Re-posting this for all of the new email and RSS subscribers. Welcome!
    (Originally posted on June 11, 2009)

    I'll be adding to this as the questions keep coming in, so bookmark it so if you ever need to know a little more about Muffin Tin Monday or Muffin Tin Meals

    *Muffin Tin Mom is the Official home of Muffin Tin Monday and the Muffin Tin Meal.

    What is a exactly is a Muffin Tin Meal?
    Pretty simple here. It's a meal, snack, or dessert served in a muffin tin. For Muffin Tin Mondays we make them for our kids, but anyone can have a muffin tin meal! A muffin tin is also known as a muffin pan, cupcake tin or cupcan pan and for our purposes here, we also use silicone and paper baking cups, pans and tins.

    What is Muffin Tin Monday?
    A weekly blog link up, every Monday here at the Official Home of Muffin Tin Monday, Muffin Tin Mom, where we get together and link up posts about the Muffin Tin Meal we make for our kids. Sometimes there is a theme, and sometime there isn't.

    Gimme the basics. How do I get started? A muffin tin + food is a you really need.
    To get ideas you can browse other blogger's MTM submissions and browse the archives here at Muffin Tin Mom. A wonderful reader put together a post on squidoo about Muffin Tin Monday that shares product ideas and much more. Not sure if her links are affiliates, but I loved what she put together.

    Did you come up with this idea? I've seen this on a lot of blogs
    This blog carnival originated (the summer of '08) with Katy over at Sycamore Stirrings. When she moved to Luxembourg, she passed it on to me (an avid participant at the time and now 4 year host). Katy originated Muffin Tin Meals on the Internet, and they have gained increasing recognition since this blog carnival has increased in popularity over the last 4 years. I hear that Dr. Sears has something similar, like a "nibble tray". That's awesome. He encourages "grazing" as a way to get picky eaters to eat more food. We don't use muffin tins for grazing, but respect Dr. Sears. I've also seen some blogs showcase an icecube tray. That's super cute too. I would love for you to participate in Muffin Tin Monday! I host it every Monday, here at Muffin Tin Mom. "Muffin Tin Monday" is the property of this blog and if you decide to participate and post about it, I would greatly appreciate a link back to Muffin Tin Mom. If you've seen it on another blog, then that person most likely saw it here, from Katy, or from someone who saw it from someone who saw it get the idea. 

    How old you children have to be? 
    If they are eating finger foods, then they are ready for Muffin Tin Meals. However, I would advise to always cut the food up into toddler sized pieces and to wait until they can eat from a plate. Follow your pediatrician's guidelines in making your meal age appropriate for you kids. Many moms of toddlers say that their child loved it, but would turn over the muffin tin and dump all the contents out. As for an age maximum...My children are 8 and 7 and still love them, I give them bigger portion sizes. They are great for adults too for portion control, baked potato toppings and fondue toppings, etc.

    How often are there themes?
    We no longer do official themes, however, I am considering bringing them back. However, in the meantime, feel free to do your own theme for Muffin Tin Monday. All are welcome. For a list of theme ideas: be sure to visit the Muffin Tin Meals Themes page.

    What is the purpose for Muffin Tin Meals? Serving a meal in a muffin tin to kids has many benefits including: breaking up the lunchtime routine, serving foods in smaller more manageable portions for little mouths and introducing them to new foods in a fun and interesting way! It's a win for you: They eat. It's a win for them: It's fun.

    Why did you do themes? 
    Making the Muffin Tin Meals "themed" gradually became a mainstay of Muffin Tin Monday. Over the summer months a few years ago, we took a break from themes and currently no longer do themed weeks You are always welcome to make up your own themed MTM and submit it to the blog carnival on Mondays. But, making a themed muffin tin meal is not necessary to participating each week. To see my thoughts on this be sure to watch my Muffin Tin Monday vlog

    I want to do a themed muffin tin, do you have a list of ideas?
    Sure do.  The Muffin Tin Meal Theme Idea page and How to create your own themed muffin tin meal.

    Are there any official rules?
    Please include a link back to Muffin Tin Mom, so that your viewers can see other muffin tin meals. This is considered good blog etiquette. The post must include a Muffin Tin Meal, but doesn't necessarily have to be theme related. And lastly...and this is important...please include your direct post's link (the url, also called the permalink) and not the link of your blog/homepage, as this greatly inhibits your visitors from finding your muffin tin meal post after Monday is over. If you are unsure of how to do this, just email me and I'll explain it! Divided plates and bento boxes are wonderful, but for our purposes please stick to muffin tins, cups and liners. Thanks!

    Where can I find those super cute shaped tins,food picks, silicone pans and muffin cups? I must have them. Now.
    I shop for mine many places:
    • Michael's Arts and Crafts has a great supply of Wilton brand baking tins and cups. Wilton brand is a favorite of mine. They have quality products at affordable prices and they are available in stores. Ia lso love the Martha Stewart line of treat wrappers.
    • Japanese Bento Box Supplies work great for Muffin Tin Meals. Google "bento supplies" or you can search Amazon. 
    • Bake It Pretty is an online retailer of baking supplies that has adorable paper cups.
    • Pick On Us has a wide variety of food picks and skewers that are great for Muffin Tin Monday
    • Can't afford those options? I check local thrift stores all the time. I have found some great muffin tins at second hand stores.

    What if I want to make my own food picks, cookie cutters, etc? Here are a few great tutorials you can try:

    How do I store it all? 
    Here is a great post on storage for all your MTM supplies 

    I want to keep track of the muffin tins I did and the foods my kids like and don't like. Do you have a Muffin Tin Meal planner? Sure Do. Emily from Second Story Window guest posted about MTM planning and you can download the free MTM planner page on her blog.

    Do I have to have a blog to participate? Not at all! But in order for us to see your submission, it must be uploaded somewhere on the web. So if you don't have a blog, then uploading it to a photo-sharing site like works best. Then, come back to MTM, and link it up by clicking on the blue "add your link" button in the current weeks Muffin Tin Monday post. If you post via Facebook, be sure to set that photo to "public".

    Submissions are accepted all week long via the most recent Muffin Tin Monday post.

     If you have any FAQ's you think should be included or want answered, leave me a comment!

    Citrus Almond Champagne Cake Recipe

    This is one of those simple cake recipes that will surely leave the tummies of all who eat it happy and satisfied. Easy cake recipes that are both easy and delicious can be hard to find. This Citrus Almond Champagne Cake is both. Serve it a baby shower, birthday or dinner party or like I did: Just because.

    easy champagne cake recipe

    After reading about the Country Cook’s yummy 7-Up Cake, I was truly inspired. Her cake looks and sounds delicious. I was mulling over what I could do to add a “twist”. Not that it needed anything, but I wanted to make it my own. Enter champagne. We have had plenty of strawberries in the house lately (Thank you early strawberry season in California). So I thought “Ohh! Strawberries and Champagne Cake.”
    Only one problem: It’s been done. A LOT.
    But I still wanted to bake a cake with champagne in it. It sounded fun and I wanted to see how it would taste...What to do...I decided to blend the cake recipes together and create my own version. One with less ingredients. Because I had never made it before I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to turn out.

    Here’s the recipe:

    Citrus Almond Champagne Cake

    • 1 box white cake mix
    • 1 cup/8oz. Orange Almond Champagne (or Sparkling Wine) The brand I got is made by Wilson Creek, called “Orange Mimosa”.
    • 3 eggs


    • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
    • Mix Ingredients in a stand mixer or bowl and pour into a greased bundt pan
    • Bake at 350 according to the box directions (our oven is finicky and ended up being done at 30 mintues)

    bundt cake recipe

    Allow to cool, before you add the frosting. If you don’t the heat from the cake will absorb the frosting (not necessarily bad I guess).

    Citrus Champagne Frosting

    • 1/4 cup of orange juice
    • 1/4 cup champagne (can omit and sub in more orange juice)
    • 1 lb of powdered sugar (I made mine with about 3/4 of a lb.)

    **In a bowl, pour in champagne and OJ, slowly add in the powdered sugar and whisk as you go, mixing it to the desired consistency.
    **Pour frosting over cooled bundt cake. Top with chopped almonds if desired.

    easy champagne cake recipe 01Tips:

    • If you have any frosting left over, serve in a small bowl along side the champagne cake (warmed perhaps?), so you can pour on more if desired. (I love frosting).
    • The alcohol is not necessary for this simple cake recipe, so if you want to make a more kid-friendly version you can make the 7-Up cake I linked to above, or substitute sparkling cider for the champagne (Cream soda might be yummy).

    Baked Spinach and Herb Tortilla Chips Recipe


    I am guest posting today over at San Diego Deals and Steals with my recipe for healthy shamrock-shaped homemade tortilla chips (We made good use of those spinach and herb tortillas! ). Hope you enjoy!

    ***If you decide to pin this recipe, PLEASE click over and pin from San Diego Deals and Steals, and not this post out of courtesy to that site. Thank you!

    Spring Salad Recipe with Strawberries Goat Cheese and Balsamic Dressing

    eat local farmersstrawberry freshvista farmers marketSpinach Salad Strawberries Goast Cheese

    One of the many ways to get your kids excited about eating fresh local foods is to take them along on shopping trips. Take them to local fruit stands or farmer’s market. Seeing fresh fruit and vegetables outside the grocery store breaks the mystery about where food comes from.

     In an intimate setting like a farm, fruit stand, or farmer’s market, you can get up close and personal with local sellers. It becomes and enriching experience for the whole family.

    We went to our local farmer’s market last weekend and enjoyed some delicious strawberries, snap peas, and blood oranges. If you are low on funds. Bring with you a small amount of cash and sample only a few items. Many booths will let you “try before you buy”. You can see my daughter sampling a strawberry in the photo above.

    (strawberries and blood oranges)

    The more you go to farmer's markets, the more you will know how certain booths price their fruit; which ones are certified organic and which ones have organic practices, but don’t have the certification.
    If you can’t make it to the farmer’s market, your local grocery store may carry organic and local alternatives (and don’t forget to to check what’s on the clean 15/dirty dozen list). but, be sure to do your research.

    I made a delicious spring salad (recipe below) with the strawberries we bought.

    Spring Salad with Strawberries, Goat Cheese and Balsamic Dressing

    Spinach Salad Strawberries Goast Cheese

    Organic salad greens with spinach
    Fresh sliced local organic strawberries (about 1 basket full)
    Goat Cheese (4-8 oz, crumbled)
    Favorite Balsamic dressing

    **Toss together and serve!