Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday is back and the Christmas holiday brought some fun muffin tin meal goodies to our house like a dinosaur shaped muffin tin and the silicone baking cups featured below. Muffin Tin Dad knows the way to my heart. :) If you are not familiar with the weekly blog carnival Mufffin Tin Monday held here at this blog, then be sure to check out the FAQ and past MTM posts. Here's what we had this week:

Clockwise from top left corner: Sliced Pears, Mozarella circles, Canteloupe Kebabs, Strawberry Yogurt with Sprinkles, Colored Fish Crackers, Granola

Wilton makes these square shaped silicone cups, they come in a pack of twelve and are perfect for MTM!

I hope that those of you that haven't done (or posted about it) a Muffin Tin Meal in awhile will consider rejoining the fun, we would love to have you !
Did you create a muffin tin meal for your child? Please share! Enter the URL to your blog post or photo share site in the form below! I look forward to seeing that everyone has done this week!

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