Little Cakes and Big Friendships in San Diego

 I invited my my "in real life" and blog friend Stephanie of A Pocket Full Of Buttons to visit one of my new favorite local places in North San Diego: Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen in Vista.

It's not often that I get to spend a morning chatting with a friend and even more rare is the chance to spend it with this particular friend sharing in such a delightful space: a cupcake shop! I am breaking my own blog rules here by sharing a local spot with some of my national and international readers. But I hope you enjoy. I hope it inspires you to connect with friend over such a delicious experience and if you live in the San Diego area, I hope you stop in at Little Cakes. You won't be disappointed.

Cupcake offerings today included: Bostom Cream, Pina Colada, Pancakes and Bacon, Vanilla, Triple Choclate Dark 

Pancakes and Bacon....oh my tasted amazing. the perfect mid morning treat and exactly like pancakes and bacon

Steph's sweet daughter enjoying the triple chocolate

Boston cream...have to say this was divine. I mean, cream filled cupcake...hello! I'm in love!

M and I sharing a moment. I'm showing her the awesomeness that is Disney princesses on YouTube mobile.

The triple chocolate dark and the Boston cream....both had a layer of chocolate ganache that a die for.

Stephanie posted more about our day on her blog A Pocket Full Of Buttons, I hope you check it out. All of the photos in this post are hers, used with permission. Please don't steal them. I would be very sad.

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